Greedy Grey or Giving Green

The Covid 19 electro choc, has had several consequences that are not all unveiled at this stage. While one of them is becoming more and more ostentatiously visible: Excess of wealth will be likely to be more and more perceived as a lack of redistribution and an abuse of our natural limited resources.

In parallel we’ve seen several brands using green washing and abusing sustainable messages by using misleading environmental claims far from the real attributes of their brands.

These two observations make us believe that it is time for a new type of communication to rise, taking a stance opposite direction from the traditional approach of advertising, aligning from now on production with communication linking message with action.

Therefore we strongly believe that a new type of advertising needs to take place that we have decided to call ‘Give Back’ advertising type.
Companies should be actively looking to be part of a social and environmental scheme to not appear only as being the cause of a global scale co2 emissions problem but part of a joint solution.

The principle of the ‘Give Back’ advertising concept shall set a minimum percentage of the brand profit that needs to be shared into tangible environment/biodiversity protective initiatives. Fighting actively and earnestly for the environment. This will result in considerable budgets that would make a real change in the fight for the protection of our environment and the biodiversity. With subsequent proportional funds ensuring to fight with dignity and appropriate gravity against climate change and the collapse of biodiversity.

If we leverage that principle to another globally known FMCG brand such as ‘Lion’, and if we imagine one second that the brand would not only ensure to use 100% recycled plastic in their packaging but also that they would redistribute a 10% of their profits to wild life (lions) protection it would very likely ensure a brand likability and preferability in the very long term.
It is time for brands to show that they can have a positive impact on our environment and manoeuvre away from the ‘Only take’ scheme that shall be replaced by a ‘Give back’ one.

The ‘Give Back’ new advertising concept will be taking Corporate Social Responsibility to an entire new level.


2023 Latest AR6 IPCC Report 


What is sustainable advertising?